Coordination and Project Management
Trimbos Institute leads this work package (WP). The objective is to ensure that overall coordination of the project is carried out in its most effective and efficient way; ensuring that participating members are equipped with all the necessary information and tools to complete their tasks.
The Coordinator team will support the WP leaders with the implementation of all WPs, ensuring the work plan is adhered to. The coordinator will organize regular conference calls with WP leaders, and – if necessary – partners involved in each WP. Progress reporting by each WP leader will be made at project team meetings. Each WP team consists of a WP leader and other staff participating in that specific WP. WP leaders are responsible for the day-to-day management of their respective WPs.
Communication and Dissemination
IREFREA leads this work package (WP). The objective of this WP is to establish mechanisms for effective dissemination and exploitation of results to maintain ongoing interest during project development, and maximize exposure opportunities throughout and beyond its development.
During the first year, the message will focus on the specifics of the project itself and what can be expected from it, with the main communication method being the project website.
In the second year, communication will focus on preliminary learnings from the implementation process and any initial outcome findings. . The main communication method will be the website, in addition to e-newsletters and presentations in conferences (e.g. Club Health).
During the last year, the key communication message will be on how to conduct a STAD-like intervention for reducing alcohol availability in other communities. This, along with all other relevant information will be communicated via the developed intervention manual, a factsheet summarizing main results, the website, e-newsletters and a symposium on binge drinking.
After project conclusion, efforts will be made to ensure the website and the manual remains available. In addition, partners’ existing networks will help to maintain interest in the intervention manual through conferences, meetings, and email signatures.
Process Evaluation of the Project
UTRIP leads this work package (WP). The objectives of this WP are to develop an instrument for gathering all relevant data to conduct a process evaluation and to evaluate to the extent to which the objectives of the different WPs have been achieved.
Since an important part of this project is the evaluation of the development and implementation process of several STAD interventions, a large part of the evaluation is already carried out by WP 6 (research). However, the internal process evaluation of the project is not part of this research and thus will be carried out separately.
This WP will focus on the delivery of project objectives, and the facilitative and impeding factors in this process. All partners will provide information for the internal process evaluation and all partners will contribute to the final evaluation report – the output of this WP.
Intervention Design and Development
STAD – Karolinska Institute leads this work package (WP). The objective is to develop a pilot plan containing the description of the activities to be conducted during the intervention in each piloting site, describing who should be conducting them and stating when they should take place; as well as developing all necessary materials for the intervention.
The leader of WP4 will facilitate the development process in each piloting site, offering individual advice on each specific implementation. In addition, this WP leader will be in charge of assessing all interventions to ensure quality and evidence-based compliance.
Problem analysis and needs assessments will be conducted in each pilot region to establish intervention targets and goals to be reached. Interventions will be designed according to this assessment and a pilot plan developed. An intensive development meeting and a workshop will be conducted at the start of the development phase to discuss the needs assessment and goals, as well as, design of the specific interventions to be carried out in each site.
Pilot Implementation
Trimbos Institute leads this work package (WP). This WP will ensure that all partners carry out a successful implementation of the intervention in each country’s piloting region. Even though the intervention will ultimately be implemented by the local communities, all partners –as country coordinators—play a crucial role both in setting it up for initiation, as well as continuously supervising and managing the intervention.
To facilitate these tasks, in each piloting site a coordinator will be designated to ensure compliance with the intervention. Pilot locations will be identified and selected, and a written agreement signed by each partner with their pilot region administration to establish responsibilities and the activities to be executed by each party. Country coordinators will be responsible for ensuring that the intervention is carried out as planned and closely monitor the overall process.
The Public Health Institute at LJMU leads this work package (WP). The objective is to gather knowledge on the best way to develop and implement similar interventions across EU Member State countries.
This WP will be responsible for the research to be conducted during the developmental and pilot implementation phases. The research will entail both a process and outcome evaluation addressing questions such as:
- What facilitating and impending factors can be identified in the developmental phase?
- What facilitating and impending factors can be identified in the pilot phase?
- Under what circumstances best results can be expected?
The research undertaken will facilitate an appraisal of the usability and feasibility of the intervention, reaching of the objectives according to the intervention model and pilot plan, changes in knowledge and attitude in the crucial target groups and reductions on alcohol availability.
Development of the Intervention Manual
Trimbos Institute leads this work package (WP). The objective is to develop an implementation manual for reducing alcohol availability in the various settings where the pilot implementation will take place.
Learning from the development and implementation of the interventions will be gathered throughout the piloting period and will inform the production of the intervention manual – the final and main project deliverable. The manual will consist of two sections:
- The manual will include a presentation and explanation of the intervention model developed for each of the four settings (nightlife premises; festivals; streets and parks; and home drinking).
- Practical guidelines with tips and tricks on how to develop and implement a similar intervention in any other country.
The manual will include practical frameworks for presentations of the approach that could be used in the community and ready-to-use communication materials. Due to the differences in contextual factors between countries in –for instance– Northern, Southern, or Eastern regions of Europe, this guide will include region specific tips for implementation in different settings, according to the information gained during the development and implementation of the pilot model in seven EU member states. The model should allow for a seamless match in a local community.